
Arkosa - A Bunker Building Board Game

Created by Toon Hammer

Lead your colony to salvation from a treacherous alien planet. A strategic bunker building and exploration board game for 1-4 players.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Name That Colonist, The Game Shelf Review + FAQs
over 2 years ago – Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 10:14:27 PM

Happy Friday all! We are just over halfway through the Kickstarter campaign and that funding goal is starting to look tantalisingly close! 👀 In this update we'll be naming Arkosans, seeing what The Game Shelf thought of Arkosa and questioning the very fabric of the time space continuum (if that's what you want to know). Let's get into it!

Name That Colonist!

Behold this nameless entity! This lovely translucent Arkosan resident is sadly missing a name and that simply will not do. We would love to know your suggestions of what you think this specimen should be called! Submit your ideas in the comments section of the Kickstarter page and we will pick our favourites. We'll then take a vote and the winning name will be emblazoned on this A Colonist card:

NEW REVIEW: The Game Shelf

"There's a lot to love between the quirky art style, fascinating creatures and tight gameplay."

Preview copies of Arkosa are still whizzing about and the reviews keep coming in. Check out this latest one from The Game Shelf via the link below: 

Click to read full review


It has been helpfully brought to my attention that I might not have been fully utilising the power of the FAQs section on the Kickstarter page! I've now added some key bits of information, however if there is anything else folks might think useful to put in there then let me know! 😊 

Social Stretch Goal #2 Progress

We're getting close to completing social stretch goal #2 and adding Ahbel Cahlun into Arkosa's population:

We currently stand at 253/300 social interactions. Here are all the ways to up that number:

Until the next transmission...

It's getting very exciting / scary now! We're in a really good position to see this over the finish line but we've gotta push hard to get more folks on board. I know lots of you have been posting the project about different places and sharing it with whoever you can. It's very much appreciated and it really does help. At this stage, if you're able to find anyone willing to add a few beans into the pot, it really does go a long way.

I'm the kind of person who can harbour a lot of self doubt, but that fades more and more with every lovely review we get back 😊 I really do believe we have a great game here, and like you, I just want to get my finished copy and play Arkosa in its full form! So let's keep pushing these last 12 days, we can do this! 💪

*Tentacle High Five!*


P.S. Here's another picture of Smallie the cat. Every update has to have one now. It's the rule.

Dead of Winpurrrrr

Written Reviews, Social Stretch Goal #2 & Algorithm Crunching
over 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 02:25:50 AM

Greetings all! Hope you are all well! In this update we'll be looking at some Arkosa reviews, checking out the new social stretch goal and crunching algorithms. Let's get into it!


Copies of Arkosa have been bouncing about all over the place! As such we have lots of lovely written previews / reviews of the game. The latest one in is all the way from the Netherlands from the lovely folks at Spellenplank. They've taken the time to write about the game in two different languages! You can read their thoughts in both English and Dutch via the links below:

Spellenplank Arkosa Preview - English

Spellenplank Arkosa Preview - Dutch

Accompanied with the words are some beautiful pictures, which we also we also wanted to share with you...

Awesome photography by Spellenplank, click to see more on Instagram

We love reading folks first impressions of the world of Arkosa. Here is the full list of everything that's been written about the game so far...

Ann Jones - Cards Or Die

The Offline Gamer

Matthew Thomasson - Zatu Games

Kickstart Gaming Magazine

Northern Dice

Social Stretch Goal #2

Inevitably we surpassed social stretch goal #1's target interactions (we were about 3 away last week I think!), so we now have something new for you to unlock. Help us reach the next target of 300 interactions to unlock this new A Colonist: Ahbel Cahlun:

We're currently at 184 / 300 interactions. Here are the relevant links for upping those interaction numbers below:

We've added a couple of new ways to share Arkosa and unlock more content. There's an extra tweet you can like and RT, an extra Facebook post to interact on and you can also post your essential bunker items on Instagram and Twitter...

Algorithm Crunching

Lot's of people have been sending me suggestions of ways to get more eyes on our campaign, for which I am very grateful! A very helpful backer tipped me off on something that could potentially put the project further up the listings. If you have a moment to follow the instructions below, it would be greatly appreciated!

1. Like the project page: Find Arkosa in the project listings (use the link below), hover over it and press the thumb icon. See image!

2. Visit the project page FROM Kicktraq: Link below! Go to the page and hit the Visit Project button. See image!

N.B. Doing these things is rumoured to help projects in Kickstarter's algorithms but it's not 100% confirmed. However they are pretty quick and easy things to do so it's worth a try, right?  😉

Until the next transmission...

That’s all for now, folks! In the next update I'll be giving you a chance to name one of Arkosa's residents 😯 So get your creative juices flowing if you want to chance to name one of the planet's weird and wonderful creatures.

As always, thank you for your amazing support. If you’ve got a question or suggestion about the game or campaign, don’t hesitate to pop it in the comments or send a message 😊



Instagram Giveaway, Playthroughs + Social Stretch Goal Progress
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 03:16:31 PM

Hello all! I hope this update finds you well. As it stands we are 240+ backers strong and 61% funded. We've nearly reached what campaign 1 achieved, with a heck of a lot of time left. Awesome!

Instagram Giveaway

We've teamed up with Meeple University and Spellenplank for a big giveaway across our Instagram accounts! There's two opportunities to win a copy of Above & Below and a 1x Arkosa pledge. The two images below link to the relevant instagram posts that have all the details on how to enter:

Click to view and enter on Instagram
Click to view and enter on Instagram

There's been a big response to the giveaways so far and we're getting lots more eyes on the campaign. Huzzah! So I am very appreciative to both Meeple University and Spellenplank for working with us on this one, they are very lovely people indeed! 🥰

Arkosa Playthroughs

Preview copies of Arkosa have been out in the wild for a while, and as such there are now plenty of playthrough videos out there for you to check out. Here's a few of our favourites:

These videos are great for checking out the multiplayer version of the game. That being said, I know plenty of you will be interested in seeing the solo play in action! This was developed post the preview copies being sent out so I will be doing a livestream later on in the campaign to show you where that is at. More details on that one soon...

Social Stretch Goal Progress

The Allocation Station is within reach! The current social interaction count is up to 147 interactions, just 3 left to go! Here's those all important buttons to help reach that goal:

Looks pretty certain that this one will be unlocked! Once it is, we'll update our components list and add it to Tabletopia and Tabletop Simulator 👍  Mattie is putting the finishing touches to the next unlock-able bit of content so keep an eye out for social stretch goal #2!

Until the next transmission...

That’s all for now, folks! Once again, thank you so much for your support. We're definitely in the tougher bit of the campaign now, but we're making steady progress each day. So keep on spreading the word. We can do this! 💪

As always, if you’ve got a question or suggestion about the game or campaign, don’t hesitate to pop it in the comments or send a message 😊



P.S. I thought you might enjoy another picture of the fluffiest member of the Toon Hammer team, Smallie...


Playing Online, Giveaways & Social Stretch Goal Progress
over 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 11:39:43 AM

Hello all! It’s Day 5 of campaign Arkosa and we are 237 backers strong and stand at 57% funded. Awesome! In this update we’ll be looking at how to give Arkosa a go in the digital universe... But before that, I wanted to give everyone a heads up that we'll soon be doing a huge giveaway over on our Instagram page 😮  If you're a fan of free stuff (who isn't?) then make sure you are following our account:

We'll give you all the juicy details in the next update. For now, let's look at how you can get to doing some bunker building...

Playing Arkosa

Your first port of call should definitely be this very succinct video* from Meeple University. It gives a great overview how Arkosa plays before you dive into the nitty gritty of the rules. Once you’ve absorbed that into your eyeballs and ear holes you can check out the full rulebook here.

*N.B. It’s worth knowing that the copies of the game featured in most videos were produced at the end of last year. So inevitably there have been balancing tweaks and changes to streamline Arkosa’s gameplay over the following 7-8 months. If you want to know the details of those changes then check out this document. We’ve also upgraded and added a lot more artwork since then. The Kickstarter page itself is the best way to check out the latest look of the game.

Now you’ll need somewhere to play! In Arkosa’s first campaign we had a lot of requests to try the game out on Tabletopia. You asked and we listened and now the game is available on both Tabletopia and Tabletop Simulator. The relevant links are below...

Social Stretch Goal Progress

As of writing this update we are up to 116 interactions on our first social stretch goal. We are tantalisingly close to unlocking that Allocation Station! Let’s keep on sharing so our bunkers may reap the rewards of having their very own admin department. We've added a couple more ways you can up the interactions on Facebook 😉

Here’s the buttons you need:

Until the next transmission…

That’s all for now, folks! Once again, your support is hugely appreciated. If you’ve got a question or suggestion about the game or campaign, don’t hesitate to pop it in the comments or send a message 😊


Lift Off!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 08, 2021 at 05:45:02 PM

Greetings Earthlings! Welcome back to everyone who has returned for round 2 and a big hello to those jumping on board for the first time. What an incredible first day! Thank you for choosing to back Arkosa early and help us get to 42% funded in the first 24 hours. Also a big hat tip to everyone who sent feedback our way in the first campaign. We absorbed it all and transmogrified it into the lovely relaunch you see before you! Here’s the important stuff you need to know in update numero uno...

Arkosa Founders

As of writing this update we have 25 founder pledges left up for grabs! In actual fact, we did sell out but I've sneaked a few more on which I think should just about fit. When those are gone that really is it! There is limited room on the ancient Arkosan tablet of founding friends (illustration to come).  If you would like to become an official founder of the great red planet and have your name etched into an ancient relic (in the rulebook), then don’t delay! Regardless of how many are left, the pledge is only available for another 48 hours

Social Stretch Goals

Here’s the deal! Share the campaign and unlock new content to add to your copy of Arkosa. 

The first target is 150 social interactions. This will unlock a new room to add to your bunker: the Allocation Station. What’s a post-apocalyptic home without some kind of administration department, eh?

We’ve racked up 59 interactions so far. Keep ‘em coming! Use the buttons below to keep that number ticking up:

Extra Curricular Activities

If the last campaign is anything to go by, I’m sure there are plenty of folks who’d like to do whatever they can to bring Arkosa to life! As is the nature of crowdfunding campaigns, it's all about the sharing. So anywhere you can think to post / talk about the campaign (Discord, Reddit, Facebook Groups, directing mouth words at another human beings), it all helps! It would be great to keep this momentum going over the next few days 😁

Until the next transmission…

That’s all for now, folks! Honestly, it's been such a good Day 1. We've over tripled what we achieved in the first campaign 😮 Your support really does mean a lot and the prospect of actually getting this thing made is really exciting!

If anyone has any questions, feedback or anything else, please do drop a comment or shoot me a message!


A big thank you from me, Mandy & Smallie the cat!